《守望先锋》联赛达拉斯燃料队CEO的AMA 带你解读达拉斯戏精队

2018-04-18 14:26:31 来源:NGA 作者:live to tell 编辑:sniperrap 浏览:loading

  达拉斯燃料队老板Mike Rufail在Reddit上进行了一场AMA,对达拉斯燃料队最近的戏剧事件接受了网友的询问。

  Q:Can you give some insight on Rascal's situation? From public releases many have come to the conclusion that he didn't have someone to translate for him? Is it true that there was insufficient translatorsfor the Korean members of Fuel?

  能给点关于rascal的内料吗,从官方的解释看来没有人给他翻译, 请问达拉斯燃料队是不是没有足够的韩语翻译?

  A:Kim "viOLet" Dong Hwan is a full time player manager for the Dallas Fuel. As a native Korean, former professional Starcraft 2 pro and one of the first Korean professional gamers to move full time to the US, he is available to assist our Korean players with their assimilation into the team and translation with coaches and other players.


  In addition, we have made English tutoring available to our players. We are adding another translator to our team moving forward which obviously doesn't help Rascal now. Maybe it was something we could have done better, but certainly not a situation where no communication was happening because translation was available to him.

  除此以为,我们还有英文助教给选手。我们会再找一个翻译来帮助队伍前进, 但是现在肯定帮不了rascal了。也许我们可以做的更好,但是肯定不是因为没有翻译所以没有对内沟通的问题。


  Q: Hi Mike, thanks for taking time for an AMA.

  Watching DF players on social media they seem really tired and the team happiness is at the bottom.

  Seagull wanted to leave [1]

  Effect wants to leave [2]

  Harryhook commenting with  on Effects "I want to win or leave" tweet [3]

  Taimou very unhappy and sees no place in DF

  从燃料队的社交媒体上看起来整个队伍很疲惫 状态低迷

  问题1. 海鸥想要走

  2. effect想要走

  3. harryhook 在effect想要走的推特下留了ok的手势

  4.胎毛心情低落, 在队伍中找不到位置

  A:I won't really confirm all of the things you mentioned above, because I think a few were taken out of context. However, in regard to what we are doing to make our players happy, we have really made a huge effort to have more group discussion on major team decisions. This was our biggest mistake as an organization this season in my opinion. Not one time in our 10 year history have we ever made major team decisions (player, coaching or support staff personnel) without consulting with our players. To be honest, I don't really know why we began to make decisions without including the players, but that was clearly a mistake and something that added to the frustration of the players on top of the situations they were putting themselves and their teammates into. We've changed that. Every player on our team will be involved in group and individual discussion leading up to any major change. Something that has already occurred in recent decisions that you've seen.

  我不可能完全证明你上面所列的所有事情,但是我觉得有些事情被扭曲了。 但是为了让我们的选手心情愉快,我们下了很大的努力来开更多的团队会议来做中岛决定。我认为这是我们作为一个组织最大的失误。 在十年里我们没有一次 没有做队伍重大决定(选手,教练,后勤)是不跟队员商量的。坦白的讲,我不知道为什么我们开始不跟选手商量就做决定, 但这肯定是一个错误,并且让本来就很担忧的选手觉得更加失落。我们已经改变了,从此以后任何重大决定所有队员都会参与讨论, 这包括了一些你 已经看到的决定(潜台词:放走kyky和rascal是队伍内一起做的决定)

  Q:When you mentioned handing over all decision-making to KyKy, what powers did he not have beforehand that he gained from your decision?


  A:First, I want to be clear that Kyle had nearly all of the control over the team from the beginning. I did interfere once with a roster decision. That was to play xQc vs LA Gladiators and Shanghai in Week 1 of Stage 2. I wanted Felix to get his shot. That resulted in a 2-0 week, but it was absolutely not right because it caused Kyle to question what control he did have. I also want to be clear that not one roster addition or player transaction occurred without me consulting heavily with Kyle or our GM Mat Taylor. As mentioned above, the players should have been more involved in those decisions and we have already corrected that.

  首先我想说kyky从一开始几乎有着所有的决定权。我干预了一次,是上xqc上场打LAG和上海在第二阶段。我想让xqc锻炼一下,两场都赢了,但是这并不是对的因为这让kyky开始犹豫他到底有什么决定权。我想澄清一下没有任何名单决定是不跟kyky和Taylor(总经理?)上联很久。跟上面一样,队员们本应该能参与这些决定的,我们已经改变了这一点 。

  Oh, this is gonna be a savage AMA.


  But I'll bite. With Rascal gone what are Seagull's play prospects since Fuel has a more solid tank line with OGE and Mickie?



  This is a decision I am leaving to our current coaches and the team, but I think it is safe to say that you will see a lot more of The Bird.


  Q:1) What's up with Cocco? Any details? What did he do to warrant running Taimou as an MT?


  2) What were you thinking signing OGE and knowing Effect / Rascal would hate him since he's a booster? I'm not condemning him, he probably needed money, he apologized and was penalized. But seeing Effect not even looking at him makes me think they can't form a great team.


  Edit: apparently it wasn't known he was a booster before Fuel signed him. The question then is: what did the org do to remedy that fact? To make Effect and OGE real teammates?

  编辑: 很明确原来签之前不知道。那么问题就是组织上做了什么来缓解他的代练历史,让effect和oge成为真正的队友

  3) What's up with the reports that the team is understaffed? It really sounds like DF needs more coaches, psychiatrists, trainers, translators etc.


  A:Cocco is still on our roster and everyone in the organization still loves him. Coming into the season, we all knew that Cocco still had some work to do on his Winston play and that's why we signed xQc to the team to fill that gap. xQc just did not pan out on the team so it put Cocco in a position where he really had to catch up. The decision to play Taimou instead of Cocco on main tank was not made by me nor did I have influence on that decision. That was purely a coach's decision. We're working with him to find out what is best for his future whether that be remaining with us or having him available for another team. Sorry I don't have more for you on that at the moment.

  cocoo还在队伍中,组织还是很爱他。在联赛一开始的时候我们就知道cocoo猩猩不行,所以我们签了xqc来弥补。xqc被禁赛所以我们不得不让cocco上,但他很需要追赶。让胎毛拿猩猩的不是我的主意,我也没有参与到其中,完全是教练的意思(kyky你的锅接好了)我们正在跟cocco商量他下一步最好的办法是什么可能是继续呆在队伍或者被交易 我不能给你更多的消息了抱歉

  Before we signed OGE, we had absolutely no idea he had participated in boosting. The league completed the standard investigation in his approval process. There was just no way for anyone to know he had done that without some really detailed knowledge. When we found out, OGE was very forthcoming about his minor involvement which the league addressed with a suspension and we addressed with OGE. He is really a great person who made a mistake that we find to be forgiveable and hope the fans do too. At this point, we think both Effect and OGE are true teammates.

  I addressed this earlier in the AMA, but to summarize, we are adding additional staff to the team.


  之前 也说过我们正在加入更多的人



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