
2018-08-29 14:35:48 来源:NGA 作者:jshajjw 编辑:sniperrap 浏览:loading

  Thoughts with a thank you.

  Hey guys,


  How dare they release the highest undefeated 100% winrate highest kd widow in the league? Jokes aside, Id like to spin this around with some thoughts, Ill try keep it short and simple. 200 word essay due to tonight, here we go.



  This story goes way back as I was approached by the one and only Seagull after my run with Fnatic. An offer on the table, He said "join NRG or fade away forever brother", Yes that a joke. He offered a slot as he had been eyeing me down for quite some time. A chance to play with Brandon himself, on a team filled with talent? Heck yiss, I took it. And so my chapter with NRG to be Shock begun.This is where I also had the opportunity to meet the fine people that worked with NRG. Owner and President; Andy & Brett, you two madmen. I love you both and will forever owe you for taking me into the family to begin with a year and a half ago. My road with Shock might end today, but this also concludes my time back in NRG aswell. A big thank you for bringing me joy and happiness on this journey, it hasnt all been easy, but goddamn did we not have fun. Had its fair share of bumpy roads, but alas, through thick and thin, I mustve done something right cause I made it onto the Shock roster for OWL.


  I was joined by very talented teammates, the ones youve loved and still love from Shock basically everyday. And so our run in the first inaugural season is about to begin. Everyone is equally as excited and joyful to be participating in this. Unfortunately things sometimes just doesnt go your way and it would seem that it wasnt my time to shine. Id rather not spend too much time thinking about or talking about the past, because its already lead me onto writing this. I believe looking ahead and forgetting about the past is the key to growth, hence why we are skipping that part entirely.



  I think my biggest take on the first season is learning new things and experiences I had never dealt with before. One definitely is patience, another one is excelling at any role whatever that role may happen to be - Coaching, Assisting, Helping, Guiding, Benching?(xd) etc, etc... This doesnt go without saying that I am so far away from being perfect. During the first weeks of the season a pretty weird process started within myself that unfortunately took a great deal of time to battle with.. The never-ending battle of always wanting to play and becoming antsy sitting around, wanting to stop disappointing fans by not playing which lead me to not focus on the important things.


  I tried keeping it short and simple, and hopefully you made it all the way down here - Some closing words all in all to summarize my feelings. The truth is, I would be lying if I said I was happy with the outcome of the first season, of course I am not. I feel like I have so much more to give, so much more to do, and I am so goddamn hungry to frag that I cant even contain myself as I am writing this. I dont know for sure what the future has in store for me. With the recently acquired freedom I will give it a spin in my head and try and figure it out as I go along;


  To all the fans, thank you, seriously. I couldnt be more proud of the group of people you are and the support youve given the past year and before that.


  To the people who gave me a second chance to prove my worth, I am sorry I couldnt keep my end of the bargain. Maybe too much to ask but, heres hoping you can give a third one for another time.


  To the people who dont fancy or like me at all. I still love you regardless.


  Till next time.


  Down below you have me writing a small little caption for each and every member of Shock, If its not interesting to you - Thank you for making it this far, I appreciate it.


  Dhak - Absolute unit. Makes anyone laugh whenever, wherever. Has a ton of passion and joy and was seriously the father of the team. Taught me a great deal about mentality, and how to stay sharp regardless of what role you are on. May be the best lucio in his peak this game has ever seen, and hopefully you can whip that bastard out soon enough cause its a joy to watch. I will miss you buddy.

  Dhak - 绝对的融合剂,能让任何人在任何时候任何地点开心的笑出来。你有着大量的激情和喜悦,而且你真的如队里的父亲一般。你教会了我很多心态上的东西,以及如何在不管你担任什么角色的情况下始终保持状态。你也许是史上巅峰时期最棒的卢西奥,希望你能早早把那个混蛋打脸因为那绝对是个享受。我会想你的兄弟。

  Nomy - Genuine is the first word that comes to mind. Nomy doesnt fuck around and is always spot on with everything. True to himself, but even more true to his teammates. You know what you get when you have nomy around, and its an excellent teammate. Me and Nomy wouldnt always agree on things, but we knew both of us are extremely talented and dedicated so we would figure it out together regardless and come to terms. Much love to you amigoch, I will miss you too.

  Nomy - 真诚是我脑子里蹦出的第一个词。Nomy从来不惹事而且对任何事情都很到位。对他自己是这样,对队友更是如此。当nomy在你身边的时候你总会知道你会得到什么,那就是一个出色的队友。我和nomy在事情上并不是一直都保持一致,但是我们知道我俩都非常有天赋并且很有进取心,所以我们总是会一起想出办法不管什么方式。无比爱你兄弟,我也会想你的。

  Sinatraa - Oh you.. In person jay, youre one of the funniest dudes I ever have met. You are a dude who say what you feel and I cant respect it enough. Hilarious dude outside the game, but when you sit down and frag out, youre one of the fiercest. Keep up the grind. Thanks for getting me into sneakers, I will now go broke before decemeber. All love Jay, glad to be able to celebrate your 18th birthday. Hopefully I get to face you on stage in the future.

  Sinatraa - 哦你这个。。。。私下来说jay,你是我见过最搞笑的哥们之一。搞笑到你在说你的感受的时候我都没法认真对待。游戏之外是个巨搞笑的人,但是当你坐下来开始收割的时候,你是最恐怖的。继续碾压终生吧。感谢你领我进入sneakers鞋世界的大门,老子估计要在十二月前破产了。爱你jay,很开心能和你庆祝你的18岁生日。希望我能未来在台上见到你。

  Nevix - Inte mycket och säga, du är en av OGs i Overwatch. Kommer sakna dig otroligt mycket för det har varit otroligt roligt att fått lira med dig sida vid sida igen efter Impulse 11. Fortsätt nöta, fortsätt jobba hårt så hoppas jag att få möjligheten att spöa skiten ur dig på scen i framtiden. Mycket kärlek till dig mannen. Kommer att sakna dig mest.

  Nevix - (瑞典语)没什么多说的,你是守望里的OG之一。我会非常想念你的,因为在Impulse 11之后能和你再次并肩在一起的欢乐时光实在是难以忘怀。加油,继续努力磨炼,我希望未来某天我能有机会在台上把你怼翻,哈哈。兄弟,爱你!最想念你。

  Moth - The most calmest dude ever. Super kind and will always help anyone who is asking for help. Also one of the people who impressed me with his raw skill when it comes to Overwatch as a whole. I dont know how he keeps tabs on literally everything that goes on, but I have nothing more than pure respect for his work. Thanks for helping me with a bunch of things during the season, I appreciate it.

  Moth - 有史以来最冷静的哥们。人超级好而且还总是会帮助那些求助的人。同时也是整体守望水平上让我一惊的人之一。我不知道他是怎么让所有场上的信息都同时保持在他脑子里的,但是我除了纯粹的尊敬之外没有任何能表达我感受的了。感谢这赛季一路走来帮我很多事情,谢谢

  Sleepy - Where do I even begin.. Itll be too long if I said everything I wanted to say buddy. We have been along this journey for so long and I am just gonna say, I love you bud, but I know we will see each other regardless.

  Sleepy - 从哪说起呢。。。。如果我把想说的都说出来估计就太长了。我们很久之前就在一起走这段旅程,我只想说,我爱你兄弟,但是我知道不管怎样我们未来还是会再见的

  Babybay - We were naturally born rivals in this team, but despite that. We always stayed true to one another and helped each other out no matter who was playing, and that sort of professionalism shouldnt be forgotten. I appreciate the words, the hangouts and baller things we got to do together despite not being able to play together as much. I wish you the best of luck and nothing else, I am coming for that ass on stage.

  Babybay - 我俩属于在队里天生的对头,但是除开这个不说,我们总是相互之间保持真诚,不管谁上台都会互相帮助,而那种职业精神不该被遗忘。我很感激你说的话,以及我们一起出来玩,那些各种我们一起做的事情,虽然我们没那么多机会一起打比赛。我除了祝你好运之外并无其他,未来我会上台去怼你的哈哈

  Danteh & Super - You were both my roommates for the first season, and it couldnt had been a better pair. You two are absolute nutjobs in the most positive way I can write it. You guys kept me alive and helped me stay afloat during the entire season and for that I cant thank you two enough. You two are both very young, but oh so skilled players already. I cant wait to see how the future will deal with you two when you just pack on more heat and knowledge as the game gets older. Hopefully I get to smack you both on stage in the near future, if not. I wish you the absolute best forever. Much love to both of you guys.

  Danteh和Super - 你俩是我第一赛季的室友,也是最好的俩人。你如果用最褒义去理解的话,你俩绝对是屌逼。你们让我保持活力,在整个赛季帮我保持状态,就为了这我怎么说谢都不够。你俩都很年轻,但是哦都已近如此高水平。我已经等不及想看当这游戏变得更加成熟,你们积累更多知识和名望后你们的未来会变成什么样。希望我未来能在台上把你俩按住摩擦哈哈。如果没有机会,那我永远祝你们顺利,爱你俩

  Architect & Choi - I think I speak for everyone on the team when I say that you two keeps everyone happy and in good spirits. Never in a bad mood, never rude, never angry, always uplifting and looking forward despite hard losses. I aspire to have ethier one of you guys energy for the future. Thanks for the team a happier place for everyone, and I cant wait to see what you two can do for the next season. I will miss you both. 안녕히 가세요

  Architect和Choi - 我觉得我可以代表全队说你俩让所有人都保持开心和好心情。从来没见你俩难过,无礼,从来不发飙,即便输得很惨,但向来都很积极乐观并且总是向前看。我很希望未来能够有你俩任何一个的那股能量。谢谢你们让队伍变成一个开心的地方,我等不及想要看你俩下赛季能做到啥程度。我会想你俩的,再见。

  The champs who doesnt always get mentioned but deserve love aswell.


  Harsha - Stop getting bigger arms so fast, I cant keep up. Will miss you Harsha, You do tons of work for the team, it just that people dont always see it. I appreciate your kindness and wish the best for you.

  Harsha - 胳膊能不能别变粗那么快啊,我跟不上了都。我会像你的Harsha,你为队里做了很多很多, 只是人们没有看到而已。我很感激你,祝你都好

  Coaching Staff (NineK, Junk, Crusty) - We didnt have enough time, as I like to say it. You guys came in very late into the season, but regardless of short I got a glimpse of the hard work you guys do for the team. The sheer amount of respect I have for you guys is endless, and thank you for trying your absolute best to lift my spirits when you guys came in and gave me my confidence back even though our time together was so incredibly short. With you guys helping the the Shock for S2 any other team really has to watch out. Thanks everything boys.

  教练组(NineK,Junk,Crusty)- 我想说我们没有足够的时间在一起。你们在赛季最后才来,但是抛开我看到你们为队伍做的那些辛劳不说,我对你们的尊敬是无尽的。当你们进队后,虽然我们相处时间很短,但是谢谢你们竭尽所能让我能重整旗鼓,重拾信心。有了你们的帮助,震动队必将成为第二赛季其他队伍需要小心的对象。感谢一切。

  Cory & Drew - Love you both, no one really knows the hard work you guys put in. But I always knew and I still do. I hope you guys have an awesome bright future ahead of you both, I will sincerely miss you two.

  Cory和Drew - 爱你俩,没人知道你俩到底有多辛苦。但是我一直都知道并且仍然知道。我希望你们有一个绝佳的未来,我真心会想念你们的

  Andy & Brett - Not much to say guys, just a big massive thank you for this 1½ years. I wish I could had done more for you guys, which will forever be my biggest regret. But the Shock will forever be in good hands with you guys at the top. It mightve been a tough and rough 1½ years, but arguably the best life learning experiences that came with it. A massive thank you.

  Andy和Brett - 没什么好说的了,只是非常非常感谢这过去的一年半。我希望我能为你们做更多,而这也会成为我永远的遗憾。但是有你们俩在管理层顶端,震动队会永远出色。也许我度过了艰难的一年半,但是也许这过程中我学到了最好的人生经验。非常感谢。



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